
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020
Good morning!  It's Monday,  the  1 st   of June 2020.  Remember that today Groups 1 and 3 have video conference at 10:00 o'clock and Groups 2 and 4 have it at 10:30. Today we switch the rooms again, so: Groups 1 and 2 are with Grace and Groups 3 and 4 are with Shandor.  The activities for today are:  a) Let's see this presentation about Australia . Please click on the audios to listen to Shandor explaining everything to you. Then,   do activity 2 in Lesson 8 in your English Activity Book.  b) Are you ready for the European Capital Cities Challenge?  Click here to access to the challenge! (Game PIN:  05604192 )
It's Friday, 29 th  May 2020. Let's do a healthy diet ! Remember that today Groups 9 and 11 have video conference at 10:00 o'clock and Groups 10 and 12 have it at 10:30. Today we switch the rooms so: Groups 9 and 10 are with Shandor and Groups 11 and 12 are with Grace. See you!  The last activities of this week are:  a) English : Watch the video about "Memory Tips" by BBC in the British Council website that you can find in our English page in this blog.   b) Sciences : Watch the presentation about Geography (Europe) in our Social Sciences page  (General presentation at the bottom - in the EUROPE section). 
It's Thursday, 28 th  May 2020. How are you doing with your scripts? Please send me your creative writing when you finish.   Remember that today we continue with the additional video conferences with the following groups:  28/05 10:00-10:45h Groups 3 and 10 11:00-11:45h Groups 4 and 7 12:00-12:45h Group 2 and Group 11 Let's  also continue studying Geography of Europe : Reading page 50 and 51 in our Social Sciences book and then, doing exercise 1 on page 50 . 
by Olivia by Esther It's Wednesday, 27 th  May 2020. Remember that today Groups 5 and 7 have video conference at 10:00 o'clock and Groups 6 and 8 have it at 10:30. Today we switch the rooms so: Groups 5 and 6 are with Shandor and Groups 7 and 8 are with Grace. See you!  And the activities for today are ... a) English: Finish reading "The Big Breakfast" in Oxford Owl. Then,  let's   do the listening in our Activity Book Lesson 8 Activity 1 (CD3 Number 41 in the audios). b) Sciences: Continue reading page 48 and 49 in the Social Sciences book. Then do exercise 2 at page 54. 
by Vera C. It's Tuesday, 26 th May 2020. Remember that today we start with the additional video conferences for the following groups:  Día  (Martes o Jueves, dependiendo del grupo) Horario Grupos asignados ese día 26/05 10:00-10:45h Groups 8 and 9 11:00-11:45h Groups 5 and 6 12:00-12:45h Groups 1 and 12 Let's  continue studying Geography of Europe:  a) Watching Francesco´s presentation about Italy: you can find it in the Social Sciences page in this blog.  b) Reviewing page 47 in your Social Sciences book and then, doing the exercises 2,3 and 4 from that page. 
Good morning!  It's Monday, 25th May 2020. Today we have prepared two videos for you:  1) Video explaining the activity :  2) Scene 2 "The Missing Guernica" video:   (Click on the previous link to see the video)   Use it as a model to invent your own script during this week. You can also check Unit 7 Lesson 7 in your English Book, where you can find another example to invent your own script. Please remember to include prepositions of place in your script.  Let's finish our activities today reading page 47 in the Social Sciences book . 
by Emma                                                                                  by Esther It´s Friday, 22 nd  May 2020.  Let´s finish this week doing these activities:  a)  English:  Read activity 3 (Unit 7 Lesson 6) in your English Book again. Then do AB Lesson 6 Activities 1 and 2.  b)  Sciences :  Let´s do these exercises from our Social Sciences Book : exercise 1 (page 44) and exercise 1 (page 46).                                                          Have a nice weekend 😉
                                                                                                                                                                                   by Vera C.                                                                                                         It's Thursday,  the  21 st of  May 2020.  Let´s do these activities today:  a) Read Activity 3 in Unit 7 Lesson 6 in our English Book.  b) Go to our new Social Sciences Page in this blog and do the activities to review Geography about Spain.  Look at the great video that Marco has prepared for us about the Pyrenees and Ainsa! 
by Guille de M. It's Wednesday, 20 th May 2020.  "World Bee Day" - Let's remember that their flight gives us life.    I hope that you could play Kahoot yesterday and you enjoyed it. Do not forget to be kind to yourself during these days ... What are the activities planned for today?  a) English : Let´s keep reading "The Big Breakfast"  at Oxford Owl. Last time we read up to page 10; this time let's do it f rom page 11 to page 21 . In order to find the book that is part of the Oxford Reading Tree:  1º.- Get into Oxford Owl with the user and password of your class.  2º.- Click this link and it will take you directly to the book if you have previously done the previous  step.  b) Sciences: We start working on Social Sciences again. Let's review the landforms and landscapes that we saw some time ago by doing worksheets 13, 14 and 15 in your Sciences workbook in Liveworksheets. 
Arts&Crafts by Vera U. today It's Tuesday, 19th May 2020.  It was fantastic to see you again yesterday in the first video conferences.  I'm eager to speak with the rest of the groups during this week.... Are you excited about it too? 😉 You are great kids! So be kind to yourselves! Go to the Values page in this blog and do the "be kind to yourself" activity.  Finish the activities today by reviewing the song and vocabulary in Unit 7 Lesson 1 and by doing activities 2 and 3 in your AB Unit 7 Lesson 4. You can try playing to our Kahoot Challenge again and see how well you know the vocabulary at this point.  Enter the Challenge pressing here Game PIN:  09966228  (use your name to identify you please)
by Iria Good morning! It's Monday again! 18th May (my brother's birthday 😊) This week we start with our video conferences! Check your e-mail for the schedule you've been given. It's going to be great to see us again! 😙 For today we have planned the following activities:  a) Go to section "Where is/was something/someone?" in our English page in this blog and check the videos, games and activities by British Council about "Prepositions of Place".  b) Kahoot Challenge time! in our Natural Sciences Page in this blog.  by Jimena by Unai by Asier Thank you for sending me some pictures or videos of your San Isidro rolls/doughnuts. I can´t share videos here but we will watch them when we're back in the school.  by Claudia
Today is Thursday, 14th May 2020 ... Then tomorrow it's San Isidro!  "La Pradera de San Isidro" (Goya, 1788) Due to this important festivity here in Madrid, I have prepared some activities for you to celebrate San Isidro during this weekend. First let´s do the activities for today, and then you can continue with the rest of the proposals:  a) English: Do worksheet number 26 in your English workbook in Liveworksheets . Listen to the poem and read it several times (you can try different voices) to learn it.  IMPORTANT: It´s necessary to use Chrone browser to be able to do English Worksheet 26. The microphone recording only works using this browser.  b) Sciences : Do worksheet number 12 in your Sciences Liveworksheets workbook.  For both activities do not forget to enter using your user and password please.  Good job! Then , the activities that  I've  prepared for you to celebrate San Isidro are: 
by Gabi Today is Wednesday, 13th May 2020. ("Only the wind ran round and round it,  spinning". "It is never still" - by Amy Lowell) Let´s do these activities in this order or the opposite:  1)  English: Start reading the book "The big breakfast" by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychte in Oxford Owl . It´s part of the Oxford Reading Tree. In order to find it:  1) Get into Oxford Owl with the user and password of your class.  2) Then p ress this link and it will  take you directly to the book. If you  haven't  connected to the Oxford Owl it  won't  work.  2)  Sciences:   Do exercise 2 (only a, b and c - page 16) and exercise 4 (page 17) from your Natural Sciences book. REMEMBER: We do not copy the exercise but we copy the sentences and paragraphs included in it.  Susana has sent us this drawing that they have made at home following the indications included in our Arts&Crafts Padlet. 
by África                       by Esther.                                            by Mencía I love to see you having Initiative! Yesterday I saw this picture. It was taken in  1919 when the  "Spanish flu" pandemic  occurred . My mummy told me that my grandma  used  to  speak about it because she was 20 years old when it happened.  We are also experiencing a pandemic (COVID-19) and the way we act is very important, playing the "initiative" a key role. Then, let´s do  our  activities today, 12th May 2020, with initiative:  a) English: Listen and  read (first read it in silence and then read it  out loud) Unit 7 Lesson 3 . Then do activities 1 and 2 in your  Activity  Book ( AB Unit 7 Lesson 3 ).  b) Sciences : Go to Liveworksheets site and, using your user and password, do worksheet number 11 in your Sciences workbook. 
Good morning "my pupils"!  May your day begin with a smile on your face (I'm sure Gorka´s drawing helps).  It´s the 11 th of May 2020.  The following activities are planned for today:  a) English: Go to Unit 7 Lesson 2 in your High Five 3 Student´s Book. Use the audios to do activities 1, 2 and 3 there. Then, take your activity book , go to Lesson 2 and do activities 1 and 2.  b) Sciences: Watch "How your heart works" by KidsHealth video . It´s in the Natural Sciences page in this blog (press this link)
by Asier by Coloma It´s Friday, 7 th May 2020.  Let´s finish this week doing these activities:  a) Sciences:  Copy the main ideas about the Circulatory System in a schema/summary .  b) Arts & Crafts : Read the proposals by Mencía (in our  Padlet in this blog). You can select one of them and make it . It´s possible to select and make more than one.                                                            I hope you have a nice weekend 
by Esther It's  the  7 th   of  May 2020 What an amazing spring flower! Please do not forget that the Police need your audios for evidence! Let´s work on these activities today:  a)  English : Listen to the vocabulary chant and song in Unit 7 Lesson 1. It´s important to listen to them and review them before you continue with the next activities. Next, do exercise 1 in your AB Lesson 4 . Finally, let´s play detective in Kahoot! Enter the Challenge pressing here Game PIN:  09966228 (use your name to identify you please) b)  Sciences :Watch again the Human Body presentation (video) at the beginning of the Natural Sciences page in this blog . Pay special attention to the part of the Circulatory System that we are studying during these days. 
by Guille de M. by Gorka Let´s see if today (Wednesday, 6th May 2020) we can do these activities:  a) English:   Read for the second time the explanations about Simple Past in the sheet of paper that is at the bottom of the English page in this blog. Then, continue doing activities 2, 3 and 4 in your English notebook. Now that all the activities from this worksheet are finished, send a photo to Raquel.  b)  Sciences :  Watch "How your heart works" by Dr Binocs ( it's a video that is in our Natural Sciences page in this blog  in the section about the Circulatory System). 
              by Emma                               by Carlos.                                 by Andrés and Tello Today it's Tuesday, the 5 th of May 2020. Let's  do these activities today :  a) Natural Sciences : Read pages 10 and 11 in your book. Then do exercise 3 (page 11) - copying all the sentences and writing T/F next to them. Whenever one sentence is "False" (F) - write the correct sentence next to the false one.  b) Values : Do the "Looking after yourself" activity explained in the Values page in this blog . 
by África It's the   4 th of May 2020 What a lovely spring Monday! We hope you enjoyed the weekend. Did you have some time to help the Police? Please do not forget to send your audios (videos are not allowed) to lapalomapolice@gmail.com The Police need you audios for evidence! When you finish with the audio, let´s continue doing these two activities:  a) English : We continue working with the Simple Past. First read the sheet of paper (pdf file)  at the bottom of the English related page on this blog .   It explains it very well. Then, practice a little with  the Simple Past by doing Activity 1 in your English notebook . Do not send me a photo - you will send it to me when all the activities from these sheet of paper are finished.  b) Sciences : Watch the video in Spanish about the Circulatory System by Smile and Learn that is at the Circulatory System part of the Natural Sciences related page in this blog.