
Memory Tips
Do you have a good memory? 
Watch the video and the games/activities to find out how to improve your memory. 

Spelling ...

With Spelling Games such as:

Spelling Words: Catch the correct mouse!

Word Find: Compound as many words as you can!

How do you do something?

Adverbs of Manner
Worksheet with explanation and activities by Grace: 

Important: If you can please send a photo to Raquel (using our e-mail account) with all the activities that you have already done in your English notebook during these days. 

Speaking about plans ...

"Going to"
Worksheet with explanation and activities by Grace:
Speaking about plans: "going to"

Important: Do activities 1, 2 and 3 in this worksheet in your English Notebook. Then, send a photo to Raquel using our class E-Mail account. 

"Going to - Plans" - Go to British Council LearnEnglish Kids. 

1º.- Read about the grammar rule.
2º.- Play the two grammar games to help you practise.
3º.- Open the activity sheet and do the activity 2 in your English notebook.

Optional: you can also check and do orally the "reference card" and the "test" activities.

Where is/was something or someone?

Prepositions of place
In this fantastic site in British Council LearnEnglish Kids Grammar and Vocabulary (Grammar Videos) you can find:

- The "Hero´s Adventure" video to review this topic and prepare you for the next activities.
- A game to play to check your understanding.
- Some documents with the video transcript, related activities and the answers to these activities.

Remember! We use prepositions of place to say where things or people are. And be careful! If you are "in" something, you are inside! 

Do you want to continue practicing prepositions of place in English? In this other British Council LearnKids Grammar Practice page you can find: 

- A review to read about the grammar rules.
- Two grammar games to help you practice.
- Some activities and test for this grammar topic with their answers.


Sometimes in life you need to describe something that happen and it's been a while. You use it about something that it's done and dusted. It's easy to remember: it's the SIMPLE PAST. 

- The past of "BE" is "I/he/she/it WAS" and "the others take WERE".
- Everyone knows with regular verbs (adding "ed"). 
- But irregular verbs can be very hard (the only chance: learn them by heart). 

Yesterday, last week, last Saturday ... I was; You were; He/She/It was; We were; You were; They were.
Let's remember it with the video above!

You can investigate "to Be" Simple Past with this fantastic sheet of paper. It contains not only clear explanations about it but also useful activities. 

Let's continue talking about the Past! 
Open this great sheet of paper and read its explanations ...

Play these games (by British Council) to practice it:  
"Colour Grouping" and "Simple Past Sentences" 



  1. No nos permitía introducir el código pero utilizamos el nombre

  2. Susana ha hecho el Quiz de deportes https://kahoot.it/challenge/82bb7573-45f9-4c96-9e17-8acbb621a4d7_1584631373853?&uid=U3VzYW5hIExhcnJpbm9h

  3. Africa lo ha intentado pero los de "sports "no podemos abrirlos, será porque ya estamos fuera de fecha. En el de "describing people do something" nos sale un Kahoot en otro idioma,....

  4. Emma. Raquel, no conseguimos saber cómo se hace esto de "sports equipment" "describing the way..." pinchamos y nada. sale un podium... 2 Si nos pudieses orientar. Gracias

  5. Leo no puede tampoco entrar en ninguno


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