
Noticiero Dominguero - Coronavirus 2020
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What's "initiative"? Is it important? Why?

Watch these videos and think about the questions above. Then, take a sheet of paper and write your answers (Spanish or English). Decorate your ideas with drawings representing them. 

Looking after yourself

During the last week: what are the things that you did with "initiative"? Did you do them to be kind to other people or also to yourself?

There are lots of different things we can do to look after ourselves. It is necessary to do it. How do you look after yourself? - the following image shows you different ways. Copy them on a sheet of paper and draw a picture in each box to match the sentence. Include any other way that you can use to look after yourself. 

Be kind to yourself

How are you today? How do you feel? 

"Looking after yourself" and "being kind to yourself" are very important things. Let's continue taking care of ourselves today by doing this "hearty" activity. 

LA ISLA DE TODOS LOS COLORES. Una fábula sobre la diversidad”

Valoremos un poquito más uno de nuestros grandes tesoros: NUESTRO TIEMPO

Leyenda valenciana sobre tesoros: 

Espero que la abuela Manuela nos eche una mano



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