Baa Baa Baa ... It´s Friday! 

(please check our blackboard/padlet:

Let´s finish the week with these activities:

- English: finish the activities 2 and 3 of the worksheet about "Speaking about plans" that we checked yesterday (Speaking about plans: "going to"). Remember: when you finish these activities (1, 2 and 3) in your notebook, take a photo and send it to me.

- Sciences: start reading about the Digestive System in Spanish (check the Natural Sciences Page in this blog: Lectura comprensiva en español sobre el Sistema Digestivo - Read and think about the questions orally)


You can continue playing with the Kahoots that are published in the English Page.
We love to know about you when you write something in our blackboards/padlets (page in the blog).
Updated English and Sciences Plannings for the ones that want to check them:


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