Good Morning Boys and Girls! 

We hope that you and your families are fine. Please remember that the planning for today includes these activities:

- English: Do Unit 6 Lesson 5 Activities 1 and 2 (first in the English Book and then in the Activity Book). It´s necessary to use the audios (CDs in our Drive).

- Sciences: Copy in a sheet of paper (that we will stick on your notebook when we are back in the school) the main ideas about the "respiratory system". Where can you find them? In the presentation in the Natural Sciences Page of this blog.  Please send me photographs of the pieces of work that you have done related to Sciences during this time (send them to our E-mail account).

When you finish you can play a little bit in the VOCABULARY SPELLING CITY website, where you can find some spelling, vocabulary, phonics... games, such as the following ones:

Spelling Words: Catch the correct mouse!

Word Find: Compound as many words as you can!

NOTE: The Vocabulary Spelling City website is included in the recommended websites that you can find in our blog in the "Pages of interest to" section at the main page. 


  1. Hola Raquel, los audios no se corresponden, pero el que se supone que es el de la actividad 2 , se refiere a un quiz.. ¿Puede ser porque el método sea High Five y los audios New HIgh Five? Hay diferencias en los libros?


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