"Actions speak louder than words"

We all know that a new type of coronavirus, abbreviated COVID-19, is causing a worldwide pandemic. It is contagious virus and a lot of people all over the world are working hard to ensure that people throughout the different countries stay healthy. I am deeply grateful for the courageous feats of many people that continue working hard to help in our country and worldwide. 

What can you do to help in this situation? 

- Stay at home, even if it is difficult and it can make us anxious.

-  Feel happy and be grateful for being healthy.

- Help with the chores at home.

- Practice every day good hygiene, such as: a) wash hands multiple times a day (singing a song: "Row, row, row your boat", "I'm a little groundhog", "Brush your teeth", ...); b) sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow; c) practice giving fist or elbow bumps instead of handshakes.

- Eat a balanced diet., get enough sleep and exercise regularly because this helps your immune system to fight off illness.

- Engage yourself in different activities: schoolwork, games, reading, Arts&Crafts, music, talking with family and friends, ... limiting the time that you are watching TV or on the Internet. When it is possible keep to a regular schedule because it seems to promote physical health.

I am glad you and your families are fine. Nowadays this is the most important thing. We need to support each other to cope with this situation. So please, do not feel overwhelmed if you can't keep up with some schoolwork or activity. Try to do it again in another moment. When you want to share how you feel or something with the rest of the group, please go to our blackboard to do it in the blog. 

These activities are the scheduled ones for today: 

1) Continue studying the "respiratory system" vocabulary and ideas with the information that we have  in the book, in the Drive and in the blog. 

2) In the English Book (Lesson 2. Activities 1 and 2): Listening and reading the dialog between Lily and Dad (use the audio in the Drive to do it). Then, listen to it again and read it out loud (you can act it out). Review all the things that they need to practice these water sports. 

If it helps you to engage yourself in different activities: you can continue playing with the KAHOOTS that we published yesterday in the blog. They are great for reviewing about sports, clothes and parts of the body HAVING FUN!


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