Good Morning!

Today we have planned the following activities for you:

- English:

a) Read the fantastic explanation that Grace has prepared for you about using "going to" to speak about plans. When you finish reading all the explanation: let´s do activity 1 today in your English notebook.

Speaking about plans: "going to"

b) Let´s continue reviewing numbers with Kahoot:

Kahoot Challenge about Numbers: Challenge PIN=0130562


Let´s prepare a piece of work (a drawing, a craft, a sculpture, ...) to give a message of hope and strength to everybody. We can use this work to say hello to our friends and classmates, to speak about the importance of staying at home and so on. Send me your pieces of work during today and tomorrow - I will make a video and upload it in our blog (please remember that photographs of you can´t be published there so it must be a picture of your drawing).

- Sciences:

Continue studying the locomotor and respiratory systems. Please finish the schemas with the important ideas about them. Check if you have done the activities related to these systems in Liveworksheets using your user and password.


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