Good Morning Boys and Girls!  
Today is Monday, the 30th of March 2020 ! 

What is our schedule for today? 

a) English:

Remember: We use "going to" when we talk about our plans. Review exercise 3 in your Pupil´s Book (Unit 6, Lesson 2). Then, do exercises 1, 2 and 3 in your Activity Book (Unit 6, Lesson 2). 

Congratulations to the pupils playing Kahoot during these days! You did it great! I can see that all these people have got very good results in our challenges: Claudia, Susana, Guillermo de Mateo, Vera C. , Mateo, Martín, Marco, Unai and Adrián. Remember: Using your user or your (name + surname) is important for me to know your identity. 

b) Sciences:

Let´s read about the Digestive System in our Natural Sciences Book (Page 24, Unit 5 - Lesson 4). Note that it is important to read first the reading about this system in Spanish that we planned for last Friday (it is included in this blog in the Natural Sciences Page: Lectura comprensiva en español sobre el Sistema Digestivo - Read and think about the questions orally ).

Did you watch "Noticiero Dominguero" in our Walls/Blackboards? 


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