Today is Tuesday, the 31st of March 2020. It is almost April! 
Spring has arrived in Madrid, although today is rainy and cold day. Animals walk the streets that humans have left for them ...
When we are back in the streets again: Are we going to act, play and have fun in the same way? Are we going to change anything?

Our planning for today: 

a) English: Read Unit 6, Lesson 6 in the Pupil´s Book (using the audio). Then, do exercise 1 in the Activity Book (Unit 6, Lesson 6). 

Please remember that all the audios are in our Drive. 

b) Sciences: Read again page 24 in your Natural Sciences Book (Unit 5, Lesson 4). It is about the Digestive System. Then, you are ready to: 

- Watch the video about  The Digestive System - by Dr Binocs. 
- Review important vocabulary with this game: Play "Sopa de Letras" / "Wordsearch" (Spanish/English)

Please note that all these Sciences resources are in the Sciences page in this blog. 


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