by Marco
It's Wednesday, 3rd June 2020.

Remember that today Groups 5 and 7 have video conference at 10:00 o'clock and Groups 6 and 8 have it at 10:30. Today we switch again the rooms, so: Groups 5 and 6 are with Grace and Groups 7 and 8 are with Shandor.  See you! 

And the activities for today are ...

a) Open this great sheet of paper and read its explanations ... Then, play these games (by British Council) to practice it:  "Colour Grouping" and "Simple Past Sentences" 

b) Watch this fantastic presentation about France by Africa (press this link to access to it. Remember to use the password to access to our videos in Mediateca EducaMadrid). 

Sciences: Watch presentation about France by África. 


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