It's Friday, 5th June 2020.
Let´s not forget to celebrate World Environment Day today. We can do this in many ways: do something good for the environment, make a drawing,

Some of you have English sessions today. Remember: Groups 9 and 11 have video conference at 10:00 o'clock and Groups 10 and 12 have it at 10:30. And today Groups 9 and 10 are with Grace and Groups 11 and 12 are with Shandor. 

Others continue learning Geography of Europe in our Social Sciences session today

05/0611:15-12:00hGroups 1 - 9 - 12

And I propose that you all do this fun activity today, creating your own comic following the instructions and examples on this sheet

Then, let's finish the week watching this fantastic video about Portugal by Mateo. 

Have a nice weekend! 


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