It's Tuesday, 2nd June 2020.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but today's video conference sessions must be cancelled. A schedule of new sessions for this week has been sent via email. 

The activities planned for today are: 

a) Do you have a good memory? Go to the English page in this blog and watch the BBC Memory Tips video. Then do the following steps

- Draw and write the words for 10 more things
- Can you remember them all? How many do you remember? 
- Draw the connections that you can do to remember them all: "One sounds like ________________ so I imagine a _______________"; "Two sounds like ______________ so I imagine a ___________"
... continue like this up to number 10. 

Can you remember the ten things now? 

b) Watch the presentation about Romania by Madalín. 

(you will have to use the password for our videos in Mediateca EducaMadrid). 


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