Happy Easter

Happy Easter Holidays!

Just two proposals to do during this time ...

1.- You know that this confinement period is being a little "hideous" but necessary, specially for elderly people and children. Then, we suggest you write a letter to an elderly person that you love. We think it is something that will give this person a lot of joy and encouragement. You can decorate it too and they will love it. 

You all know that Grace´s family is in the U.K and Ireland. She has written a wonderful letter to her grandpa. Please use it as an example. Grace has also prepared a letter model for you. (Use simple time sequences and keep the letter format. Both are very important when writing letters in English. Click here to see both letter models)

2.- Continue practicing English (reading, listening to music, playing different games, watching videos/movies/cartoons ...). We have activated these Kahoot challenges again (some people couldn't play and they are really fun): 

School Vocabulary Challenge (PIN: 0224891)
Numbers up to 70 Challenge (PIN: 0932303)
Clothes and Accessories Challenge (PIN: 0388892)
"Helping Hands" Chores Challenge (PIN: 0645790)
Food Vocabulary Challenge (PIN: 0259421)
Parts of the Body Challenge (PIN: 0301025)
Sports Mad Vocabulary Challenge (PIN: 0903454)
Sports Equipment Vocabulary Challenge (PIN: 0473548)
Sports Adverbs of Manner Challenge (PIN: 031912)

Please try to check during Easter time if you have already finished all the activities that we have proposed until today. And .... do not forget our padlets/blackboards to share your thoughts, feelings, reading/storytelling  recommendations, pieces of news ... 


  1. Hola Raquel, los juegos de Kahoot, ya están desactivados? Si es así, se podrían volver a acivar de alguna manera para que las chicas y chicos que no han jugado puedan hacerlo? Gracias!


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