Good morning! 
Let's all dance today ...

People will dance and be glad
Watching us dancing, we hear our hearts speaking
It will turn their mourning into gladness
It will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow
Dancing is the hidden language of our soul

Between dance and dance, let's do these activities

a) Finish your reading in Oxford Owl. Then finish the picture dictionary related to this book, adding the title and author of the book on the first page. Email it when finished. 

b) Watch the Digestive System part in the Human Body video (presentation) at the beginning of the Natural Sciences page in our blog. "How often should we eat different foods?" -- check the "Eatwell plate" at the end of this part with all the food groups. 

This weekend I will tell you to draw a beautiful "Eatwell plate" in your Sciences notebook or on a sheet of paper. You can make a collage with different foods if you have brochures from the supermarket at home. You can start with this activity if you have time today. 

by Carlos.           What a beautiful drawing of spring!


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