Today it's Friday, the 24th of April 2020. 
Are you already a share a story reading star? 

by Guille B.

Today we are going to practice some English and then make an Arts&Crafts activity: 

a) Watch the SIMPLE PAST song in the English page in this blog. Then listen to the vocabulary chant and song in your English High Five 3 Pupils book (Unit 7 Lesson 1 - use the audios in our Drive please). Finally do exercises 1 and 2 in your Activity Book (Unit 7 Lesson 1). 

by Leo

b) Let's make a spring related activity. You will find different possibilities in our Drive (find also the link that is in your e-mail account). Choose one activity (depending on your likes and the materials that you have) and make it!

I wish you all a happy weekend! ... where we can take advantage to continue reading and get all our 


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