How important our initiative is !

by Olivia
by Emma

Good morning to everyone. 

Today it's Thursday, the 30th of April 2020. 

The Police need your help. Police detectives can't investigate any houses in Madrid due to the quarantine so now you are the detectives. They need you to record an audio with a mobile, tablet or computer. In this audio they need you to describe what things were in your house on the 23rd April 2020, the day of the crime. Try to answer to these questions: 

- Was the Guernica in your house? 

- Was the famous painting hiding behind the sofa in your living room?

- What was in your house that day? (please indicate the thing (fridge, hamster, ...) , the room (the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen...) and the place (behind the curtains, next to the table, on the mat...). You can describe one or more rooms in your house. 

- Were your family at home that day? Was your mum/dad at the supermarket?

The Police need your audio for evidence, so send it to them using the following email account: Let's watch the CoronaNews to see what has happened. IMPORTANT: It must be an audio. It is not allowed to send videos or pictures. 

(Video edition made by Grace)

We wish you a nice weekend - let´s see if you can do prepare a beautiful "Eatwell plate" (the way we describe in our blog entrance yesterday).


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