
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020
Today is Tuesday, the 31st of March 2020. It is almost April!  Spring has arrived in Madrid, although today is rainy and cold day. Animals walk the streets that humans have left for them ... When we are back in the streets again: Are we going to act, play and have fun in the same way? Are we going to change anything? Our planning for today:  a)  English:  Read Unit 6, Lesson 6 in the Pupil´s Book (using the audio). Then, do exercise 1 in the Activity Book (Unit 6, Lesson 6).  Please remember that all the audios are in our Drive.  b)  Sciences:  Read again page 24 in your Natural Sciences Book (Unit 5, Lesson 4). It is about the Digestive System. Then, you are ready to:  - Watch the video about   The Digestive System - by Dr Binocs.   - Review important vocabulary with this game:  Play "Sopa de Letras" / "Wordsearch" (Spanish/English) Please note that all these Sciences resources are in the Sciences page...
Good Morning Boys and Girls!   Today is Monday, the 30th of March 2020 !  What is our schedule for today?  a) English: Remember: We use "going to" when we talk about our plans.  Review exercise 3 in your Pupil´s Book (Unit 6, Lesson 2). Then, d o exercises 1, 2 and 3 in your Activity Book (Unit 6, Lesson 2).  Congratulations to the pupils playing Kahoot during these days! You did it great! I can see that all these people have got very good results in our challenges: Claudia, Susana, Guillermo de Mateo, Vera C. , Mateo, Martín, Marco, Unai and Adrián. Remember: Using your user or your (name + surname) is important for me to know your identity.  b) Sciences : Let´s read about the Digestive System in our Natural Sciences Book (Page 24, Unit 5 - Lesson 4). Note that it is important to read first the reading about this system in Spanish that we planned for last Friday  (it is included in this blog in the Natural Sciences ...
Baa Baa Baa ... It´s Friday!  (please check our blackboard/padlet:  https://padlet.com/rbermejo2010/nl8d3qy99yhq ) Let´s finish the week with these activities: - English : finish the activities 2 and 3 of the worksheet about "Speaking about plans" that we checked yesterday ( Speaking about plans: "going to" ). Remember: when you finish these activities (1, 2 and 3) in your notebook, take a photo and send it to me. - Sciences:  start reading about the Digestive System in Spanish (check the Natural Sciences Page in this blog:  Lectura comprensiva en español sobre el Sistema Digestivo -  Read and think about the questions orally ) .  OPTIONAL/ JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION: You can continue playing with the Kahoots that are published in the English Page. We love to know about you when you write something in our blackboards/padlets (page in the blog). Updated English and Sciences Plannings for the ones that want to check them:
Good Morning! Today we have planned the following activities for you: - English : a) Read the fantastic explanation that Grace has prepared for you about using "going to" to speak about plans. When you finish reading all the explanation: let´s do activity 1 today in your English notebook. Speaking about plans: "going to" b) Let´s continue reviewing numbers with Kahoot: Kahoot Challenge about Numbers: Challenge PIN=0130562 -  Arts&Crafts: Let´s prepare a piece of work (a drawing, a craft, a sculpture, ...) to give a message of hope and strength to everybody. We can use this work to say hello to our friends and classmates, to speak about the importance of staying at home and so on. Send me your pieces of work during today and tomorrow - I will make a video and upload it in our blog (please remember that photographs of you can´t be published there so it must be a picture of your drawing). - Sciences: Continue studying the locom...
"Actions speak louder than words" We all know that a new type of coronavirus, abbreviated COVID-19, is causing a worldwide pandemic. It is contagious virus and a lot of people all over the world are working hard to ensure that people throughout the different countries stay healthy. I am deeply grateful for the courageous feats of many people that continue working hard to help in our country and worldwide.  What can you do to help in this situation?  - Stay at home , even if it is difficult and it can make us anxious. -  Feel happy and be grateful for being healthy . - Help with the chores at home . - Practice every day good hygiene , such as: a) wash hands multiple times a day (singing a song: "Row, row, row your boat", "I'm a little groundhog", "Brush your teeth", ...); b) sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow; c) practice giving fist or elbow bumps instead of handshakes. - Eat a balanced diet., g et enough sleep a...
"The more you give away the happier you become" ... Good Day Boys and Girls!  According  to our planning the activities for today are:  - Sciences:     * If you  haven't  done it: copy the main ideas about the Respiratory System in a sheet of paper (we will stick it in the notebook when we are back in the school). Where can you find them? In the book and in the presentation (included in the Natural Sciences Page in this blog).     * Watch the videos related to this system ( in the Natural Sciences Page in this blog).     * Do the activity related to this system in Liveworksheets (there is a link in the Natural Sciences Page in this blog; please use your user/passwd for Liveworksheets when you do it).  - English:  Playing these Kahoot Challenges to review parts of the body, clothes and sports/equipment/adverbs of manner(these games were active during last weekend; this is a new  opportuni...
Good Morning Boys and Girls!  We hope that you and your families are fine. Please remember that the planning for today includes these activities: - English:  Do Unit 6 Lesson 5 Activities 1 and 2 (first in the English Book and then in the Activity Book). It´s necessary to use the audios (CDs in our Drive). - Sciences: Copy in a sheet of paper (that we will stick on your notebook when we are back in the school) the main ideas about the "respiratory system". Where can you find them? In the presentation in the Natural Sciences Page of this blog.  Please send me photographs of the pieces of work that you have done related to Sciences during this time (send them to our E-mail account). When you finish you can play a little bit in the VOCABULARY SPELLING CITY website, where you can find some spelling, vocabulary, phonics... games, such as the following ones: Spelling Words: Catch the correct mouse! Word Find: Compound as many words as you can! NOTE: The Voc...
Third Graders Human Body Planning
                                                              Review Challenge - deadline: 22/03/2020. "Optional" - what does it mean? We need you to finish the previous activities to enter this challenge. 
Enjoy your day! ...  "Life is but a dream" When you have materials to be recycled and paper/beads/stickers for decorating...  It seems a good idea to make a "DREAM CATCHER" !
Hello boys and girls! Today we start using our English Planning in our blog. Please try to do the activities following it. As we always say: it's better to practice English little by little. As English people say:  "Little by little one goes far" . But ... they also say: "Better late than never" .  So: if you can't do it one day, do it the next. 
Today it's Tuesssssssssssssssday! How strange that Raquel doesn't ask:  "What day is is today?" For those who  want to have fun with English ... Let's do these activities! Karaoke and Play with "Do you like pickle pudding?"  https://es.lyricstraining.com/en/play/super-simple-songs/do-you-like-pickle-pudding/HdGuRFPXdd Do you know lots of words in English? How many can you make in three minutes?  http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/games/wordshake
Another way of using your time wisely is drawing ... Do you remember the website that Guille recommended to us?  There are amazing videos there to draw things such as the ones explained in these two videos... Let's give them a try!                           Have Minions got five senses? Have they got body systems?                                                                  Let´s travel with our imagination to Paris ...                                   

Use your time wisely

Use your lovely brain,   under your hard skull, beneath your amazing hair. It's okay to play videogames, to read, to do exercise, to sing, to feed the pet, to eat, to sleep, to study, to watch a movie ... but do it wisely.